A row of icons displaying Google Workspace products.

Grow and run
your business more efficiently.

Google Workspace smoothly integrates the business solutions your team needs in one place. And now with Gemini for Workspace, you can boost your organization’s productivity and creativity with the power of generative AI.

Two employees use Gemini to create an email from an inventory spreadsheet for the business.

Business Standard GBL


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Top Features
Icon G SUITE by Google Cloud
Icon 1 Email Account
Icon Upgradable with additional email accounts
Icon 2TB Cloud Storage
Icon Smart inbox by Gmail
Icon Collaborate using Docs, Sheets, Slides & more
Icon Google Chats & Google Meet(for video call)
Icon Standard security & Admin controls

Business Plus GBL


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Top Features
Icon G SUITE by Google Cloud
Icon 1 Email Account
Icon Upgradable with additional email accounts
Icon 5TB Cloud Storage
Icon Smart inbox by Gmail
Icon Collaborate using Docs, Sheets, Slides & more
Icon Google Chats & Google Meet(for video call)
Icon Enhanced security & Admin controls
Icon Vault for file archiving,document retention & more
Icon Advanced Endpoint device management for account security

Enterprise Plus GBL


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Top Features
Icon G SUITE by Google Cloud
Icon 1 Email Account
Icon Upgradable with additional email accounts
Icon Unlimited Cloud Storage
Icon Smart inbox by Gmail
Icon Collaborate using Docs, Sheets, Slides & more
Icon Google Chats & Google Meet(for video call)
Icon Enhanced security & Admin controls
Icon Vault for file archiving,document retention & more
Icon Enterprise-level Endpoint device management for account security
Google Workspace Security Icon

Google Workspace is designed to support stringent privacy

and security standards based on industry best practices.

Feature 1 Icon

A cloud-first, browser-based approach

That is constantly updated – no need for local devices, native apps, or email attachments.

Feature 2 Icon

Built in controls, encryption, and verification

With a Zero Trust approach that enables employees to work from anywhere and eliminates the need for VPNs.

Feature 3 Icon

Operating on a global scale

To protect your organization’s information from phishing, malware, ransomware, and supply chain attacks – no add-ons required.

Feature 4 Icon

Making everyone safer

With secure endpoints (company-provided or BYOD) that don’t require patching and strong account takeover protections.

Find the answers you need

Similar to G Suite, all Google Workspace plans provide a custom email for your business and include collaboration tools like Gmail, Calendar, Meet, Chat, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Sites, and more. For additional details, visit our plans and pricing page.

With Google Workspace, you'll receive a number of additional business-grade services not included with Google’s free consumer apps. These services include: custom business email @yourcompany, twice the amount of cloud storage across Gmail and Drive, 24/7 phone and email support, 99.9% guaranteed uptime on business email, interoperability with Microsoft Outlook, additional security options like two-step authentication and SSO, and administrative controls for user accounts.

No. When you sign up for Google Workspace, you’ll gain access to a set of integrated apps that work together seamlessly. For instance, you can receive a message in Gmail and instantly convert it into a Calendar event. When you make a comment in Docs, Sheets, or Slides, collaborators automatically receive email alerts. With a single click, you can join a video meeting in Meet from your inbox or calendar. Using these tools together improves productivity and gives your business the most value. However, you are welcome to purchase the suite and only use the services of your choice.

Yes. Gmail offline lets you read, reply, delete, and search your Gmail messages when you’re not connected to the internet. You can also view and edit documents stored in Drive when offline so that you can be productive from anywhere.

Cloudoio Hosting Reviews

Trusted by 21+ million customers
around the world.

Cloudoio Hosting is truly an efficient service. I moved my two domains over to Cloudoio Hosting to enhance security of my websites, and Cloudoio Hosting has kept its promise to protect my domains. When I call, the representatives are friendly and knowledgable. I am a happy client.

Edison Bozeman
Adobe Product Manager

I have been a Cloudoio Hosting customer for years! Whenever I have needed customer service, I have had the best experience and always learn something new. Cloudoio Hosting is a one-stop shop for all my domain, email, website, tech service needs. 24/7 great support! Thank you Cloudoio Hosting!

John Buckland
Full Stack Web Developer

Cloudoio Hosting has all the resources in one place to make running as a small business easy. I have my domain and website set up though them, my business phone, and my business email. All of these things build credibility with my clients. The process to set these things was very easy and seamless.

Sean Williams
Graphic Designer

Cloudoio Hosting is truly an efficient service. I moved my two domains over to Cloudoio Hosting to enhance security of my websites, and Cloudoio Hosting has kept its promise to protect my domains. When I call, the representatives are friendly and knowledgable. I am a happy client.

Edison Bozeman
Adobe Product Manager

I have been a Cloudoio Hosting customer for years! Whenever I have needed customer service, I have had the best experience and always learn something new. Cloudoio Hosting is a one-stop shop for all my domain, email, website, tech service needs. 24/7 great support! Thank you Cloudoio Hosting!

John Buckland
Full Stack Web Developer

Cloudoio Hosting has all the resources in one place to make running as a small business easy. I have my domain and website set up though them, my business phone, and my business email. All of these things build credibility with my clients. The process to set these things was very easy and seamless.

Sean Williams
Graphic Designer

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